828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

Boost your brainpower, protect your heart, and prevent cancer with just a squeeze of this and a dash of that…..

While your diet may be a healthy one, it’s often the little extras you add to your food that have the REAL hidden benefits.  Those little extras like the ketchup on the burger or the hot sauce in the tacos.
New research shows that certain spices, herbs, and spreads not only “boost flavor but can curb appetites, ease digestion, and even promote memory.” Following are 9 of the healthiest to have on hand: 

  • Ketchup – lowers risk of cardiovascular disease (3-4 tbs. daily)
  • Buckwheat Honey – fights aging (2-4 tbs. daily)
  • Rosemary – eliminates food borne carcinogens (1-2 tbs. daily)
  • Horseradish – detoxes your body (1/4 tsp. daily)
  • Olive Oil – boosts long-term memory (a few tbs.)
  • Cinnamon – stabilizes blood sugar levels (1 tsp. daily)
  • Hot Sauce – curbs appetite (a few dashes daily)
  • Sauerkraut – eases digestion (daily dose: 1/2 cup)
  • Black Pepper – guards against cancer (daily dose: to taste)