Training Partners trainer Michael Scholtz and business partner Greg Hottinger have written a new book Called Coach Yourself Thin – available now on Amazon or at Training Partners.

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A little history, Greg and Michael began their careers at the Duke Diet & Fitness Center and then established their company, NOVO Wellness, in Asheville over 10 years ago.  They’ve taught group classes at Training Partners, coached clients by phone through the Healthy Start program, have become certified Wellness Coaches, and have helped launch several websites, including Outsmart Diabetes and Flat Belly Diet Online. They currently work as consultants and coaches on the Biggest Loser Club website.

 As the title implies, their book is about lifestyle change and sustainable weight loss.  After working in the weight loss field for over 35 years, they have developed a weight loss method that includes tools, strategies, and a specific eating and exercise plan and they share all of this in Coach Yourself Thin.