828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]


CONGRATULATIONS AMY ENDE – our December Member of the Month!

CONGRATULATIONS JUDY FUTCH – our November Member of the Month!

We are celebrating our member of the month in a slightly different light this month.  She wasn’t asked to provide us with any information.  We wanted it to be a TOTAL SURPRISE so we decided to write her bio. based on what we know about “Judith” (as she is known to Charlene).

Judy has been a loyal TP’er from the get-go.  She participates in our events, trains with Peggy and participates in our Small Group Training sessions. As part of her 2012 fitness goals she also ran in 5 races with Peggy.  Judy is always willing to try anything – even the “L-step” in STEP class.

She is a well-respected consultant here in Asheville; working primarily with non-profits.  We are also very fortunate to have her as our consultant and are amazed and grateful that she can hold her own with 6 trainers who have “very short attention spans and don’t sit well.”

Judy is an avid adventurer who kayaked the Northwest Territories this year and Alaska last year, as well as many other beautiful remote locations.  Her favorite saying is “I am not a Chihuahua!” which comes from reading a book where the author stated that one should go for the challenge and task at hand w/determination and enthusiasm.  “After all, how hard can this be?” she asked Peggy at their first race.  Judy and her husband Paul (a retired college professor) and Millie (their lab) and Owen (the cat) live in Mars Hill.



CONGRATULATIONS TO DONNA MANN, our October Member of the Month!

Donna has been a part of our TP family since 1999.  She and her husband, Charlie came to Asheville in 1989 and have deemed it the “perfect place to live.”  Donna does an excellent job of keeping all of our morning ladies organized and in touch with each other.  She was team leader for Pegge D’s group during our last TEAM Fever event and is always a participant in our TP events.  She is kind and thoughtful and TP most definitely wouldn’t be the same without her.

When asked how long she’s been exercising and why it’s important, she replied “sporadically, for about 40 years.  It wasn’t a serious commitment until joining TP 13 years ago. I want to be active and independent as long as I’m able.”


CONGRATULATIONS TO GEORGE & DIANA BILBREY, our September Members of the Month!

Diana and George have worked out at TP for over 12 years.  They have practically been here since we opened in 1996.  When asked why exercise was important to them they replied “Physical exercise and being active allow us – as we age – to continue to experience a world we otherwise couldn’t.  They enhance mental acuity.  We can do meaningful things with our children and grandchildren.  We’ve both been able to deal with medical problems that – without a physical program – would have been significantly limiting.”

The couple also replied that “the spirit at Training Partners reminds them of Cheers, the comraderie and good humor.  Once, one of us was feeling put upon and down until seeing two other exercisers, both using oxygen, working even harder.  How lucky to be here!” 

Regarding their words or phrases that are important to them:

George – “Remember and respect that everyone has an inner life.”  His favorite quote by RL Stevenson – “To miss the joy is to miss all….. No man lives in the external world among the salts and acids, but within the warm phantasmagoric chamber of his brain with the painted windows and the storied walls.”

Diana – “Everybody.  Everybody deals with the stuff of (daily) life.  Sometimes when I feel harassed, bothered, anxious, I recall the words from the song May I Suggest by Susan Werner; made famous by Red Molly.  A recurring line that is my mantra; “And I suggest this is the best part of your life.”


CONGRATULATIONS PATRICIA COLE, our August Member of the Month!

 Tricia is originally from Nashville, TN but came to Asheville 13 years ago.  She has been exercising ever since her mother kicked her and her 6 siblings out of the house with the words “go outside and play!” She began working out at TP after a long hiatus from exercise and has been an avid supporter by participating in all our “unique” events and encouraging her friends to come exercise with her. 

The phrase she lives by is one written by Tom Clancey – “Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change.”

Her favorite TP moment would be all the ‘moments’ Peggy engages her small group of middle-aged training participants in wacky exercise activities like tag and hand slap.


CONGRATULATIONS MARILYN PATTON, our June member of the Month!        

Marilyn has been a member of our TP family since 1997 and what an inspiration she is.  For the past  15 years she has worked out religiously 3x a week and has not let broken hips, elbows or shingles prevent her from continuing her fitness regime!  After breaking her hip, she even worked out at home until Peggy felt she was ready to return to the gym.

She is our energizer bunny…. “she just keeps going and going and going.”

When asked why she continues to exercise – her reply: ” my reasons for exercising and staying healthy are to outlive my doctors and I always feel better when I am done. Seriously Training Partners is FUN and makes me feel great.”



Charlie and Angie have been a part of Training Partners since late 2005. They not only recognize the benefits of being healthy but have brought a lot of fun and many laughs into the studio; especially when they are working out at the same time. It’s never a dull moment!

They founded NC Stage,  ( http://www.ncstage.org/ ) Asheville’s professional theatre, in 2002. If you have never attended a performance – YOU MUST!  Great acting, good plays, intimate theatre; you will enjoy whatever you see!  You can find the NC Stage link on our website in the Network of Prof. section.

Why is exercise and TP important to you?

Charlie: “the challenge of running a theatre company and being active with our kids, as well as enjoying activities with each other, is made possible by staying as fit as we can.  Being healthy and fit has been invaluable in helping us maintain the energy and strength to keep up with everything. I started working out at TP when I was cast in a play that required a great deal of physical stamina. They have helped me perform physical and mental feats, lose weight and muscle up for some plays.”

Angie: “for me exercising is a way to challenge myself. I have a big birthday coming up this year, and want to me in the best shape of my life. I enjoy TP because all of the trainers are invested in my success; it’s really a community here – a place I look forward to going to several times a week.”



Leah is well known in Asheville for her generous philanthropic endeavors but to us, she is one of our founding members.  Leah has been an active member since we opened in 1996.

She is a consistent and dedicated participatant in our senior morning classes and has been active for the past 35 years.  At 80+ years old and still physically active she has no problem sharing how important exercise and nutrition are in ones life. Other than that she says “be happy!”

Leah is an inspiration to us all.  Congratulations Leah – we are so glad to have you as part of our TP family!


CONGRATULATIONS Michelle Kotara!  Michelle is our MARCH Member of the Month!

Michelle has been coming to TP since 2002.  She has been an avid supporter by not only participating in our in-house events but in sharing TP with many of her friends as well.  Last year she even ran her first 5K in the JBL Run!!!

Words or phrases she lives by: “compassion towards others & to keep trying till you do it well, or get it right.”

Why is exercise important to her?  “Being strong and proud of my body makes exercise an important part of my life.”

When asked what was her best TP moment; she replied “finally mastering the agility ladder in-in-out-out – it was a good day!”

CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE and we greatly appreciate all of your support over the years.