828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

#TP NEWS and Other Stuff!

TP News and Other Stuff

CONGRATULATIONS Peggy, Judy and Tamara who ran in the Valentine’s Day 5k in Black Mtn. Sat. Judy finished first in her Valentines Day 5k 2014age group and Peggy finished 2nd in her age group. Good job girls!



Happy Birthday Leah Karpen!  Not only is Leah one of our original members but she has continued to exercise on a regular basis even at the very young age of 92 – she is an inspiration to us all!!

Judy Futch, our favorite consultant, made the paper chatting it up with Gloria Steinem at this year’s Power of the Purse sponsored by The Community Foundation.






Join us this Sat. April 14 from 9-10.  Peggy and Charlene are team teaching.  STEP will be from 9-9:30 with TRX/Kettlebells from 9:30-10.  Class is limited so if you plan on attending sign-up at TP or email charlene ([email protected]) to register.

Posted 4/2/12 – The Dupont Forest 12K Trail Race was held Saturday in Dupont State Forest. The event, which attracted around 300 runners, was sponsored by Jus’ Running in Asheville. Michael (our crazy running trainer) of course, ran it and even talked one of his clients, Tim Flora, into running it with him. Michael finished 7th overall and 2nd in his age group. Tim, was just happy to finish! WAY TO GO GUYS and BIG KUDOS to Tim for agreeing to run w/Michael and finishing.  CONGRATS FELLAS!