828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

#Workouts of the Month


We are frequently asked by our clients and members to give them short workouts that they could do at home or on vacation.  Below are some of those workouts. Each workout is 30-60 minutes and will have a beginner as well as an advanced move.  The workouts will vary and cover all the different aspects of fitness. You can find all of our workouts on our YouTube channel which can be accessed by clinking on any of the links under the listed monthly workouts.  Printed directions for each workout are available under the appropriate month below or can be picked up in the office.

  1. Medicine Ball/Kettlebells and Bands Circuit Workout  – David has created a fast moving circuit using balls, bells and bands.  Simple moves that you will repeat for a challenging, fun workout.  Video: http://youtu.be/9ZBCSwB13QU


  1. Cardio Challenge Workout – Learn about the various cardio workouts you can implement into your workout routine to keep you from getting bored and build your cardiovascular strength and endurance. Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/user/trainingpartnersinc


  1. Push, Pull, Stabilize and Move – Based on Michael’s new book Coach Yourself Thin our workout of the month includes four basic moves – Push, Pull, Stabilize and Move.   For more information visit our websites – www.trainingpartnersinc.com; coachyourselfthin.com.



Multi-Joint Workout

Peggy gives you 6 basic multi-joint exercises that will give you a quick challenging workout and… if you have extra time you can do it twice.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/trainingpartnersinc?feature=guide; printed workout:AUGUST WORKOUT OF THE MONTH

TRX Rip Trainer Workout

Kelly teaches the technique of 6 basic Rip Trainer moves and then puts them into two different circuits.  Circuits can be used as a single workout or added into your workout routine.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/trainingpartnersinc?feature=mhee; printed workout: Kellys Rip Trainer Circuit


TRX & Agility

Charlene demonstrates basic TRX moves as well as some fundamental agility patterns.  You can create your own workout or incorporate some of the exercises into your workout routine.

<iframe width=”480″ height=”360″ src=”http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pVm-BwjeghM?rel=0” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


Pull, Push, Hips/Leg and Core Workout

David Hollinshead has created an fun little workout that will take about 30-45 minutes.  He will walk you thru this workout and explain the various exercises.

The 1st Circuit will include the Single Arm Shoulder Press; Alternating Row; Hips/Legs; and Core – perform 10-20 reps and repeat 2-3 sets based on available time.   The 2nd Circuit will include Dumbbell Chest Press; One Arm Row and Squat; Lunge to Leg Balance; and Ball Pass Over.  Again perform 10-20reps and repeat 2-3 sets based on time.

Enjoy and as usual please feel free to ask any of us if you have any questions or need exercise modification.  Printed copies available in the office.

To view click on the link: “http://www.youtube.com/embed/0awakFukXXA