828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

Why Our Clients Love Us


We are a fun little group with awesome clients. Our clients are our inspiration and motivation for getting up and going to work every day. Enjoy this photo gallery full of “Our Why” … and various events we have done over our decades in business.

Ashleigh & Emma trying to complete stunts at our 2023 retreat!

Co-workers that will wear bunny ears with you have to be the best people to work with!


Judy practicing her circus act.


George & Diana on their way to our 2012 Potluck dinner.

We MISS YOU GEORGE – it’s not the same without you!! (2018)

Charlie and Angie striking a pose for their March 2013 Member of the Month pose!


Kelly, Michelle, Peggy and Ellen at the JBL 5K in 2011

Charlene all dressed up for the party!

Peggy and Emma headed to the beach to fly kites - a fun day on the beach.

Having fun & TRX'ing with Mtn. PT's physical therapists


Diana showing off her agility ladder skills! Age is just a number.


Carol and Jean making good use of the Shoulder Press machine.


Robin and Ozzie at our 10 year anniversary party in 2006!


Carol and Jean making good use of the Shoulder Press machine.


IOP at our 2023 Retreat - a fun group of co-workers.

Hope having some fun on the BOSU - "the things Peggy makes me do!"


Phyllis getting ready to start her workout with Peggy and Charlie, happy she's finished hers.


Having some FUN at one of our holiday classes!


Peggy and Marilyn at our 10 year anniversary. All dressed up!


Ted and Hope having a big time at our 10 year anniversary.


Hiking out in Sandy Mush with Terri and Amira.

Peggy, Tamara & Judy posing at the Valentine's Day run


Everyone having some fun at one of Peggy and Charlene's Saturday classes. The things we make them do!


Neysa, Melinda, Lorraine & Donna having fun before their class with Pegge, their fearless leader! She's the one with the bunny ears!

Members of Peggy and Ellen's balance class in 2011


Judy got a "boo boo" at the race! She lived and even won 2nd place in her age group.


Robin and Charlene just hangin around.


We're here to help you stay healthy & strong! Give us a call or send us an email!