828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]


Special Events


Our Special Events change throughout the year! Check back to see what’s currently being offered, or visit the front desk.

We Keep Fitness Fun, Fresh and Relevant!

Info here…copy from poster. Don’t rely on people to be able to read that image…TP offers rotating and seasonal special events for our community. Enjoy things like yoga, outdoor exercise opportunities or holiday fitness challenges! Stay tuned for what’s happening NOW.

[Blog article about diversity training? Trying new things?]

  • Special Event Classes are Limited to 6 People
  • Advance Sign Up Required
  • Members Only (or?)

Therapeutic Yoga for Low Back and Hips


11:30am – 1pm


New! These classes are gentle, safe and focus specifically on pain in the low back, hips and sacrum. We will look at simple yoga poses, breathing, and practical applications like bending and lifting, good posture and understanding the root causes of pain.

Join us!