828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

Colorado Rockies

Colorado Rockies H1 Title of Blog There are many reasons to take on the challenges of the Colorado Trail. Not only is the scenery sublime and the Wild West trail towns a lot of fun, but it’s also a great place to enjoy nature, experience solitude, escape the rat...

Ways to Reach a Healthy Blood Pressure

To take care of your heart, it’s important to know and track your blood pressure. Millions of Americans have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, but many don’t realize it or aren’t keeping it at a healthy level. For most adults, healthy blood pressure is...

How super are “Superfoods”?

The moniker “superfood” gets thrown around a lot these days, touting the magical powers of everything from coffee, to kale, to coconut oil. But is all that hype really worth it? Are these foods really so miraculous they deserve the title of Super? The term dates back...


Hooray – spring may finally be here! And with it, our enthusiasm for working in the garden. Unfortunately, we often overdo it those first few days or use our body in a poor way and end up with an early season injury. This post will cover some tips for avoiding injury,...

Great Greens!

When it comes to eating leafy greens, the question I am often asked is, “Which one is the BEST?”. We are always looking to get the most bang for our buck, especially when it comes to what we eat.  Most of the time we’d rather get one “super-food” than a whole bunch of...