828.252.0920 • 862 Merrimon Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 [email protected]

Recipe: Tabbouleh, Quick and Tasty

Are you looking for ways to increase your daily intake of fiber and whole grains?  Might we suggest you try cooking with bulgur, a stellar whole grain that is becoming more popular among health-conscious consumers. Tabbouleh is a quick and tasty way to introduce...

“Coach Yourself Thin” is Now Available!

Training Partners trainer Michael Scholtz and business partner Greg Hottinger have written a new book Called Coach Yourself Thin – available now on Amazon or at Training Partners. To learn more about this program or receive future announcements about their...

The Importance of Breakfast

Estimates vary, but around 25% of Americans skip breakfast on a regular basis. The potential perils include a more sluggish metabolism as the body shifts into starvation-response mode. And coupled with a tendency to become ravenous and binge later: weight gain....

Youth Performance & Gatorade

As a facility who works with youth and is a member of the International Youth Conditioning Association I thought this BLOG post was appropriate to share.  We are frequently asked about “sports drinks” for kids and this one does a nice job of explaining the various...