Advantages of Interval Training

Advantages of Interval Training

by Jason Karp, PhD One of the main reasons for all of the attention being given to interval training in the fitness industry is that it can improve fitness quickly, which is great news for busy people who don’t want to spend 2 hours in the gym. Designing Interval...
The most dangerous ingredient?

The most dangerous ingredient?

We read articles all the time discussing the dangers of sugar: the ingredient that is single handedly killing us! Well, lo and behold, the American Heart Association (AHA) stood up to the food industry and essentially made eating and drinking a lot of items in the...
Synergy of the Four P's

Synergy of the Four P's

Many of us are motivated to train for different reasons. Some want to execute better on the field or outperform the competition in a tryout or a match. Others may want to improve their quality of life in order to better enjoy their day to day activities. Whatever the...

Big thanks to all members/clients for your support over the past year and we hope you all got outside over the weekend while we were off retreating.  Just to prove we actually do a little work at our corporate retreats we took photos – video link attached below....

9 Condiment Cures

Boost your brainpower, protect your heart, and prevent cancer with just a squeeze of this and a dash of that….. While your diet may be a healthy one, it’s often the little extras you add to your food that have the REAL hidden benefits.  Those little extras...