The Importance of Breakfast

The Importance of Breakfast

Estimates vary, but around 25% of Americans skip breakfast on a regular basis. The potential perils include a more sluggish metabolism as the body shifts into starvation-response mode. And coupled with a tendency to become ravenous and binge later: weight gain....
Youth Performance & Gatorade

Youth Performance & Gatorade

As a facility who works with youth and is a member of the International Youth Conditioning Association I thought this BLOG post was appropriate to share.  We are frequently asked about “sports drinks” for kids and this one does a nice job of explaining the various...

NEW FALL Workout coming soon!

Congratulations to Peggy, Pegge and Alice for running/walking in the Race For the Horses on Sunday.  Next year we should join them – looks like FUN!      
Pilates Improves Shoulder Stability

Pilates Improves Shoulder Stability

In a recent Clinical Biomechanics study Pilates training was shown to effectively improve core strength, posture and shoulder stabilization.  Participants included both male and female and none had any previous Pilates training.  Training groups participated in two...