Healthy Recipe of the Month: Baba Ghanoush

Healthy Recipe of the Month: Baba Ghanoush

This is the time of year when everyone is focused on fitness and nutrition. We have also had several calls to provide more nutritional information so starting this month we will be providing a new recipe each month.  Our recipes will come from fellow TP clients and...
Start Small for Resolution Success!

Start Small for Resolution Success!

It’s the time of year when everyone makes New Year’s resolutions and it’s inevitable that at least one resolution has something to do with fitness or diet. Completely changing your lifestyle can be daunting and for most people a little unrealistic, so it may be...
Weight Loss –

Weight Loss –

Congratulations to Michael and Greg!  They have an article in IDEA’s Fitness Journal (one of our professional organizations) on weight loss.  Click on the following link to access the article. The article provides useful information in a short, concise format...


We all know we should exercise more, eat the right food, get more sleep but sometimes doing all of these things just isn’t possible, no matter how hard we try.  So, we are going to suggest 3 small things that you can do to stay healthy and fit – just take baby steps...
Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell training has been around forever and is safe and efficient if done properly. With its handle positioning and offset center of gravity, the versatile kettlebell provides a unique workout experience. While each of the following exercises targets the core,...